Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Questions and Answers about cat behaviour - declawing need not apply

Cats are independent creature, far more so than dogs will ever be. Their inherent nature deems them to be solitary creature. Where as dogs are people creatures and seem happiest among humans.

A cat will scratch things as part of its exercise, in order to sharpen its claws and stretch its tendons and ligaments. It will not stop scratching anymore than a dog will not stop sniffing every single thing on the floor in front of it.

If a cat is scratching your house to pieces, a scratching post approximately a couple of feet high, various soft toys, and maybe a fixed piece of old carpet. These will allow it to get its fill. Never under any circumstances should you consider declawing your cat. It is a very inhumane procedure, removing part of the cats foot. This would be the same as having part of each finger removed up to the first knuckle. Some countries have actually banned this practice all together yet it still goes on.
Make sure you cat can have the run of the garden anytime it wants. Cats love to be outside, exploring their territory. This is all part of their nature, why try to make them out to be otherwise.

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