Tuesday, 6 May 2008

How Do I Stop My Cat Scratching The Furniture

Be honest, you love the little critter, more than anything in the world but you also hate him/her just as much, their little cherub looks wont always carry them, especially when they decide to take to your brand new three piece and tear seven shades out of it.

Stopping the cat scratching the furniture is fairly high on most peoples agenda, even more so if you just brought the thing. So, how do I stop my cat scratching the furniture, or anything else for that matter? There is absolutely no need to resort to any of the inhumane methods that some people resort to, no need what so ever, so get the very idea of them out of your head right away.

Training cats to stop scratching is not rocket science, they can and will respond to various practices, these practices will form powerful associations with their awkward habits and in a fairly short space of time they should be over their need to scratch the furniture or anything else they come across.

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