Friday 9 May 2008

Cat Training Techniques - The Face Push

When your cat gets a little too fearsome for its own good, you must remember not to act aggressively towards it when giving it a reprimand.

Acting aggressively and raising your voice will only do more harm than good and you could very well end up driving it away or at least turning it against you out of survival instinct.

One technique that has good results providing done correctly, is the face push.
Simply give you cat a firm yet gently push in its face when it starts to get aggressive, accompanied with a stern "NO".

Cats don't like being touched directly on the face and this will definitely get their attention without causing them any undue stress or pain. It is just enough without being too much.

Remember, subtlety is the key here, don't go using it every five minutes, not only will the effect be lessened, you'll most likely end up pissing it off as well.

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